New Year's

Jan. 18 - Feb. 28

You. Only better.


Register early and save!


Sept. 28 - Nov. 8

What is healthy to you?

We can help with that.

It's a 6-week health & well-being game

Playing for points in each of the 7 Daily Habits: nutrition, exercise, mobility, sleep, hydration, well-being and reflection.

It's not about earning a perfect score every day

(But that's not against the rules!) It's about having the courage to start and the willingness to change.

While we're at it, everything is better with friends!

Team up with your community, hold each other accountable for personal goals, and build bonds around well-being that last long after the Challenge ends.

The 7 Daily Habits

Don’t try to fit health and wellness into your life. Fit your life into the context of health and wellness.

The 7 Daily Habits

Don’t try to fit health and wellness into your life. Fit your life into the context of health and wellness.

Annual Memberships

Your health and well-being are at their best when you take care of them on a regular basis. Becoming a Whole Life Challenge Annual Member supports you in a year-round commitment towards your best life possible.

Here’s what you get…

  • 1-year membership
  • Goal-setting workbook
  • Year-round Learning Center access
  • Quarterly “Members Only” webinar
  • And more!

We’ve got a plan for you!

Do you enjoy playing the Whole Life Challenge but struggle figuring out what to eat or what to do for exercise during those six weeks? We’ve come up with the solution to that dilemma: a new set of 6-Week Plans designed by the co-founders of the Challenge!


You can play the Whole Life Challenge by yourself or on a team with friends, family or co-workers and you’ll climb the scoreboard as you make progress.


Just use the WLC website


The Best Part—
We Don’t expect you to be perfect.

While the Whole Life Challenge provides rules and guidelines for best results, we still want you to experience life. This means you’ll sometimes give up a point or two doing the things you love — and that’s okay. Read the Philosophy of Imperfection.


Our FREE e-books are designed to help you make the 7 Daily Habits a real and lasting part of your daily routine. Don’t wait for tomorrow…download one (or all!) today and get started.

The Latest From the Blog

Why You Need to Ditch Your Goals This Year

| Self-Improvement | 3 Comments
To be successful, ditch your goals. Say what? Yes, you heard that right. Ditch your goals. We’ve been taught to set goals anytime we want to achieve anything. They should be SMART: specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time sensitive. But the motivational gurus who’ve taught us this didn’t necessarily take into account the psychology involved in personal growth and achievement. The problem with traditional goal-setting is that it can be a stressful and disheartening experience as often as it is…

Commitment: The 3 Hard Choices for Success

| Self-Improvement | 3 Comments
Commitment is hard, harangued by the twin devils of temptation and convenience, hamstrung by lack of preparation, blown back by our general aversion to difficult work. Undoubtedly, you’ve decided to change something today. You’ve decided to accomplish something. ‘Tis the season, after all. Regardless of the nature of your goal, you would do well to commit with more than mind. You’ll need to change your environs and alter patterns. You’ll need to create a world conducive to success. No one…

How to Use Discipline to Add New Habits and Gain More Time

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How to Find Peace and Beauty: Find Your Spot

| Health and Wellness | No Comments
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The Chaos Monkey: How to Improve Your Life Through Failure

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In 2000, I ventured onto a then-new website called “Netflix.” I can still remember how exciting it was to see the familiar red DVD mailer when I opened my mailbox. Then in 2007, Netflix launched a streaming service. As an early adopter, I distinctly remember how crummy the the streaming service was at first. I don’t think I was able to finish a movie for the first year. Service was that atrocious. Oh, how times have changed. In the five…

A Friend Indeed: Off-Season WLC Skill Practice

| Well-Being Practices | One Comment
The Off-Season WLC Skill Practices are mini-challenges intended to help you fine-tune different aspects of your health and wellness. Offered between Challenges, these weekly practices address fitness, nutrition, stress reduction, productivity, and personal connection — because health is about far more than food and the gym (and we could all use a little practice) This Week, Take Time Each Day to Connect with a Friend Simple Instructions: Each day this week, reach out to a friend. Use whatever communication method…

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