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ABOUT MARK: Mark Sisson is founder of Primal Nutrition, LLC and Primal Kitchen, LLC, New York Times Bestselling Author, health and wellness revolutionary, and founder of Mark’s Daily Apple, the #1-ranked blog for over a decade in its health and fitness category. He is also wrote The Primal Blueprint, which was credited with turbocharging the growth of the primal/paleo movement back in 2009.
Prior to his life as a health and wellness educator and leader, Mark was a gifted runner and triathlete. In 1980, he qualified for the US Olympic Trials, and earned a 4th place finish in the Hawaii Ironman World Championships. The inhuman amount of training and weekly racing those results required was taking its toll, though. Mark found himself constantly sick or injured. That pushed him to explore nutrition and supplementation as a way to enhance his performance, to support his damaged body, and to bolster his immune system.
Mark retired from competition in 1988 and decided to do whatever he could to help others avoid making the kinds of health mistakes that he had made. Mark uses his pre-medical background, degree in biology, and an intense desire to unlock the health secrets that he knew were out there—answers to questions about health, wellness, anti-aging, safe weight-loss, nutrition and supplementation—to find the natural ways of achieving good health for himself and others.
FROM ANDY: I’m always stoked to have a recorded conversation with Mark. He and I have been friends for many years, and I always learn something new each time I talk to him. This time was no exception. In fact, in this podcast, we were able to cover topics about each of the WLC’s 7 Daily Habits.
You’ll want to take notes during this one for sure!
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This episode is brought to you by The Good Kitchen.
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Email Andy at podcast@wholelifechallenge.com, or
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54: Darya Rose – How to Use Logic and Science to Get Healthy
37: Robb Wolf – Diets, Epigenetics, Longevity, and Going Foodless for 9 Days