I’d like to teach you about, and guide you through, a technique that I use to clear out energy, to transition from one thing that I’m working on to another, or to just start something new, from a place of real clarity and alignment.
This is a technique I call “creating a clearing.”
The goal is to clear out your head and create space so that you can align yourself for whatever you have coming next.
I picture it like clearing off a piece of land so that you can start to build the foundation for your house. Before you begin, you’ve got to get all the trees, vegetation, weeds, vines, and stuff that’s been growing there for eons out of the way.
Your mind is like that piece of land. Think of all the stuff it accumulates throughout the course of your life. It’s like a jungle in there, and there certainly isn’t much room for more.
So, the idea behind a “mental clearing” is to clear out some of those things and create some space in your mind.
The first step is to get in a comfortable position. It can be at your desk, in a chair, in your bed, seated on the floor — whatever is comfortable for you.
This exercise is going to require you to close your eyes, so for the next step, click on the video at the top of this page (you can skip ahead to the 2-minute mark to go straight to the exercise) and follow along with me.