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Electronics Free Meals: Weekly Lifestyle Practice

Reading Time: < 1 minute
The next Whole Life Challenge starts in:

Turn Off or Ignore All Electronic Devices During Meals

Simple Instructions:

  1. Turn off or otherwise ignore all electronic devices during your major meals each day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  2. Included devices: smartphones, tablets, computers, televisions

Why Is This Practice Important?

Meals are an important time for connection – with your food and with the people in your life. Particularly during the Challenge, when you are working to establish a practice of consciousness around food, paying attention not just to what you eat, but how you eat, can be eye-opening.

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Bringing presence of mind to your meals can slow you down, bring you more fulfillment from what you’re eating, and help you see what habits you bring to the act of eating.

In addition, meals can have a profound cultural impact. They are a gathering time, reflecting our values and supporting the kind of lifestyle we want – with respect to both our bodies and our souls. Sharing food with other people and being present to the connections that meals allow can help you build joy into all of your food choices.

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Michael Stanwyck
Michael Stanwyck is the co-founder of The Whole Life Challenge, an idea that developed during his seven years as a coach and gym manager at CrossFit Los Angeles.

He graduated from UCLA with a BA in philosophy as well as a degree from the Southern California School of Culinary Arts, and feels food is one of the most important parts of a life - it can nourish, heal, and bring people together.

Michael believes health and well-being are as much a state of mind as they are a state of the body, and when it comes to fitness, food, and life in general, he thinks slow is much better than fast (most of the time). Stopping regularly to examine things is the surest way to put down roots and grow.

He knows he will never be done with his own work, and believes the best thing you can do for your well-being starts with loving and working from what you’ve got right now.