This bodyweight workout will test your leg stamina and strength while building your core. It’s perfect training for skiing and snowboarding (and you can do it anywhere).
Here’s the sequence:
- 10 Walking Lunges
- 10 Tuck Jumps
- 10 Mountain Climbers
Repeat the sequence 5 times if you’re a beginner athlete, 7 times if you’re an intermediate athlete, and 10times if you’re advanced. This can be quite a bit of volume, so be judicious in your choice.
Movement Tips
Walking Lunges: Start at standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stride forward with one foot, and then bend your front knee and back knee simultaneously until the back knee gently touches the ground. Your front knee should be stacked directly over your ankle when you reach the bottom. Return to standing between each lunge.
Tuck Jumps: Jump as high as you can, jumping from both feet simultaneously. As you rise, bring both knees to your chest. Extend your legs to land as you descend, and land with bent knees. Repeat.
Mountain Climbers: Start in a plank position, with your hands under your shoulders and your ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder in line. Raise your hips slightly (to create some room under your torso), and bring one foot forward underneath you. Alternate your feet rapidly, bringing up your left foot and then your right until you’ve done ten total “climbers.”