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Why You Should Try My Eating-for-the-Seasons Challenge

Reading Time: 2 minutes
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Today we’re going to talk about “eating for the seasons.” What does that even mean?

In our modern world, we have access to all sorts of fruits and vegetables all year round. But is this the right way to eat? Sure, we can eat exotic foods whenever we want, but is there value in only eating foods that are in season and local? The answer is yes.

Watch the video to find out why and learn more about the unique health benefits of eating local, in-season, organic foods. Then, if you’re ready, take my eating-for-the-seasons challenge (inspired by the work of Dr. Terry Wahls):

  • Eat 9 cups of fruits, vegetables, and herbs a day
  • Eat 200 varieties over the course of the year

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Dr. Wahls talks about the foods we need to support the mitochondrial health of our bodies in her book, The Wahls Protocol. After all, our mitochondria are the powerhouses of our body and the foundation of our health. In addition, Dr. Wahls recommends removing gluten, dairy, and sugar from your diet for optimal cellular support.

How can you do all this? For many of us, the best first step you can take is to begin eating a variety of local, organic fruits and vegetables. This one small step sets you on the path of a conscious journey regarding the food you eat. For most of us, once we take that first small step, we find we have a growing desire to take additional steps as we start experiencing favorable health and lifestyle outcomes.

PaleoBOSS Lady (PBL) has a Master of Art in Psychology with a focus on community. She considers herself a miracle since self-healing from secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2012. Through conscious living PBL has overcome the odds and kicks MS to the curb everyday. PBL is 100% Italian, from Philadelphia, and born under the sign of Taurus - earning her the title of BOSS.

PaleoBOSS Lady proudly sits on the Board of Directors of The Wahls Foundation supporting the efforts of Dr. Terry Wahls who has had successful clinical trials healing autoimmune disorders using food based Paleo principles. In addition PBL co-wrote the training program for The Wahls Coaching Program with Dr. Terry Wahls and is a member of The Wahls Team creating worldwide change in healthcare.