This week for training, we’re going to focus on one thing, and one thing only… moving on your feet (walking and running). This is a movement that humans were born to do and as far as exercise goes, it is by far the easiest and most convenient to do on your own. Lace up your shoes and head out your front door. Then 10-20 minutes later, you’re done (and you didn’t waste any time going anywhere).
So, how do you make this seemingly easy and convenient thing to do, something that is fun, entertaining and useful? Here’s my answer:
Turn your block into your running (or walking) “track”. Running on a track is really useful since it gives you a physical measurement of distance. You can use that for insight into your running speed, distance, and intensity, in an effort to get to know yourself better.
I recommend using two apps for this. One is a website called runningmap.com that allows me to map any route pretty much anywhere in the world, see all the twists and turns and elevation gains and losses, and save the route in my route list.
The second app is one I got recently that I really love called Strava Run. The app on your phone functions as a gps run recorder. And when it syncs to the website, you get a whole bunch of data about your run.
Here’s what I want you to do this week:
1. Sit down at your computer, go to runningmap.com – and map out a route around the block at your home (or your office). Find out how long your block is… explore. And if there are more than one block you could use for a different running distance, map this too. This (or these) route(s) will be your ‘track’.
2. Go running (or walking). Use the Strava Run app to map your location, speed and distance. Make sure you run the routes you mapped out. Get a feel for them. Find out if you like one better than another. Write down your results.
3. Go for a run (or walk). Choose your favorite short (under 1 mile) route around the block. This will be your track. Make one complete trip around your track – easy, as a warm up. Next, you’re going to alternate laps – one hard, at high intensity, and the next easy, until you’ve completed at least three hard. Do more if you like. Finish by coming back in and looking at your results on the Strava website.
4. Repeat #3 for a second time this week. You can choose to run a different (longer or shorter) block than last time, but make sure you get in at least 3 hard efforts.
Of course, if these tools have the opposite effect on you – make you want to avoid running, going outside, or simply enjoying the exercise you’re doing, then completely disregard my advice above, and just get out there and have fun.
Have a great week, and keep up your awesomeness!