Today we’re talking sex. Did you know that simply by being more present in your daily life you can increase your sex life? Yep, that’s right. When you practice paying attention to your physical and mental wellness, your body starts looking better, your hormones stabilize, and your stress levels drop. This happens because when you’re in touch with your actual needs, then you eat better, sleep better, hydrate better, etc. Sound familiar? Kind of like the Whole Life Challenge 7 Daily Habits?
Don’t believe us? Well, you might want to read this article about how the WLC resulted in a beautiful new baby for one couple. And you should watch the video to learn the single biggest key in guaranteeing your ability to transform your habits and your health — and, as it turns out, probably your sex life, too.
PaleoBOSS Lady (PBL) has a Master of Art in Psychology with a focus on community. She considers herself a miracle since self-healing from secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2012. Through conscious living PBL has overcome the odds and kicks MS to the curb everyday. PBL is 100% Italian, from Philadelphia, and born under the sign of Taurus - earning her the title of BOSS.
PaleoBOSS Lady proudly sits on the Board of Directors of The Wahls Foundation supporting the efforts of Dr. Terry Wahls who has had successful clinical trials healing autoimmune disorders using food based Paleo principles. In addition PBL co-wrote the training program for The Wahls Coaching Program with Dr. Terry Wahls and is a member of The Wahls Team creating worldwide change in healthcare.
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