Late for work again?
The Whole Life Challenge is about adopting good habits — exercise, lifestyle, and nutrition habits. But those habits won’t survive your boss’s dirty looks if you walk in late. Again.
What’s the problem? Is a solid breakfast slowing you down in the morning? Would you like to know a simple trick that gets your first meal on the table in under five minutes?
Enter Scrambled Eggs
They’re compliant at all levels of the Whole Life Challenge. And done right, they’re fast and healthy. But done wrong, and you get an inedible quagmire.
5 Minutes to Perfect Scrambled Eggs
- Non-stick pan
- Spatula
- Heat source
- Eggs
- Butter
- Salt
- Pepper
- Pre-heat pan on medium-low.
- Melt butter in pan and swirl to coat.
- Crack eggs directly into pan. Yes, you read that right. This one thing will cut your prep time in half.
- Break yolks and give initial stir.
- Add salt and pepper to taste.
- Occasionally stir and scrape to cook the eggs.
- Taper off heat as you approach done.
- Transfer to plate immediately.
- Serve with fruit, veggies, and/or meat on the side.
Don’t Make These 6 Mistakes
- Too hot – If the pan is too hot, you’ll either scorch the eggs or they’ll be hard. Start at medium low heat. If the eggs aren’t sizzling when you add them to the pan, bump up the heat. Gradually decrease the heat as you cook. Finish on low heat.
- Too dry – Cut the heat when the eggs are still moist but not runny. They’ll keep cooking from residual heat. Do not leave the eggs in the pan, transfer immediately to a plate otherwise you’ll make an egg brick.
- Old eggs – Old eggs have a weak flavor. They’ve also had time to pick up off flavors from the refrigerator.
- Stir too often – If you stir too often, you’ll get a very small curd size. The eggs will be more like a sauce than a scramble. Some people prefer it like this (I don’t).
- Don’t stir enough – Depending on your point of view, either you get a half-baked omelet or a chunky scramble.
- Wrong size pan – Too crowded and they’ll slop out of the pan when you stir. Too empty and the eggs will cook too quickly and you won’t have time to stir.
Let Breakfast Be Your Cornerstone
Breakfast sets the stage for the rest of the day. Nail your first meal and you get to build on it. Rush out the door without breakfast and you’ll be eating M&Ms before lunchtime.
Armed with this recipe, you can cook a solid meal and then rocket out the door. Who knows, you might get a raise for showing up early all the time. Or at least stop getting those dirty looks from your boss.