In our “Do the Most Good” series, we highlight amazing WLC team leaders. These are people who motivate, support, and inspire others to get the most out of the life-changing experience of the Whole Life Challenge. By helping others achieve their dreams, they are doing “the most good.” And who wouldn’t want more good in this world?
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does.” ― Margaret Mead
Inspiring gym owners and trainers are always looking for ways to both engage their communities and get their clientele motivated about living a healthy, active lifestyle. So M43 Fitness owner Scott Abramouski was excited when he learned about the Whole Life Challenge from the successful gym chain Deuce.
The upcoming April Challenge will be M43’s first time participating in the Whole Life Challenge. But despite the fact the Challenge hasn’t even started yet, Scott is already seeing an impact on his community. Here’s what Scott has to say about how the WLC is helping him do the most good…
What’s Your “Secret” to Crushing This Team Leader Thing?
In just under a year in business, M43 Fitness has generated some serious excitement. We currently have over 200 members who are proud to call M43 their home. We have done a few community events that have gotten people excited about fitness and contributing what they can to better the world around them. Our facility is just over 2,200 square feet of training space so people talk and motivate one another all the time.
Once the posters went up in our club about the Whole Life Challenge there was already a buzz. We sent out and email and a few social media posts and then marketing took it from there. Safe to say our club is excited for the kick off!
What Are Your Players Most Excited About Going into the Challenge?
People are excited about the timing of the Challenge. The majority of our members are working professionals and have families. The Challenge is right after Spring Break and before people lose focus going into the summer season. We are located in Michigan so many people go up north for the weekends and live it up. This is a way to get on track and have strong momentum going into summer.
What’s the Buzz You’re Hearing Around the Gym?
The buzz around the gym is how we are slowly feeding them information about the Challenge. We are having a pre-huddle meeting Friday, April 12th, which also happens to be our one year anniversary party. We are involving other gyms around the area for free classes on the weekends to give people a wide range of fitness and keep people excited as well as motivated. We have a strong presence in the community and I think we are just getting started.