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No-Sweat Roasted Italian Peppers Recipe

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Getting into the kitchen and learning to have fun while preparing food is a huge component of living a whole life. In a life of better nutrition habits, long gone are the days of opening a box, setting the timer, and eating an unknown-shelf life meal. But it doesn’t have to be complicated, either. Instead, preparing food gets to be about celebration and creativity!

I grew up in an Italian household, and nothing felt more Italian and seasonal than roasting peppers. My grandmother threw them right over the open flame and the house filled with excitement. How’s that for easy fun in the kitchen?

The best part is the process of roasting peppers causes them to caramelize, and the results are delicious. You can add them to salads, put them on burgers, and eat as a perfect side dish. Try this simple and delicious recipe to add color and flavor to your next meal.  

No-Sweat Roasted Italian Peppers

You can add these delicious peppers to salads, put them on burgers, and eat as a perfect side dish.

Category Appetizer, Paleo, Side Dish, Vegetarian
Compliance Level Kickstart, Lifestyle, Performance
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 4
Author V "Paleo Boss Lady" Capaldi


  • 3 peppers 1 each of yellow, red, and orange
  • 6 cloves garlic crushed
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp fresh organic parsley chopped
  • Pink Himalayan sea salt
  • Fresh ground pepper


Oven method:

  1. Preheat broiler and line cookie tray with parchment paper.

  2. Wash and clean peppers.

  3. Cut peppers in half.

  4. Lay peppers on parchment paper with back facing up.

  5. Place in broiler and check often.

  6. Remove when outside of peppers are black! (average time: 20 minutes).

  7. Let cool slightly and begin to remove black skin from peppers.

  8. Slice peppers and place in a bowl with crushed garlic.

  9. Add parsley and olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix well.

Grill and stove-top method:

  1. Place peppers on a medium-high heated grill closing the lid or directly on the gas stove. I was raised doing them on the stove and enjoy this method. It takes about 10 minutes.
  2. Whether on the grill or on the stove, use tongs to turn the peppers every 3 minutes.
  3. Once the pepper is black on all sides remove from the heat source.
  4. Remove skin, slice into strips.
  5. Place in a bowl with crushed garlic.

  6. Add parsley and olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix well.
PaleoBOSS Lady (PBL) has a Master of Art in Psychology with a focus on community. She considers herself a miracle since self-healing from secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2012. Through conscious living PBL has overcome the odds and kicks MS to the curb everyday. PBL is 100% Italian, from Philadelphia, and born under the sign of Taurus - earning her the title of BOSS.

PaleoBOSS Lady proudly sits on the Board of Directors of The Wahls Foundation supporting the efforts of Dr. Terry Wahls who has had successful clinical trials healing autoimmune disorders using food based Paleo principles. In addition PBL co-wrote the training program for The Wahls Coaching Program with Dr. Terry Wahls and is a member of The Wahls Team creating worldwide change in healthcare.