How to Stretch After Travel
Fresh off a plane, train, or automobile? Here are a few ways to get your body stretched out. You can use this sequence as post-travel recovery or to prepare yourself for a hotel room workout.
This stretching series is designed for intermediate to advanced athletes:
- Couch stretch
- Supine wall sit
- Modified crow
How to Exercise After Travel
It can be hard to get excited about working out at your hotel. But getting in our exercise after travel is important to getting our energy up and acclimating to a new schedule. So, what if we turned your workout into play time by using a bit of improvisation?
This intermediate workout will take you through a circuit of 5 exercises for 20 repetitions using items commonly found in hotel rooms. Repeat the circuit 2-4 times, minimizing how much you rest:
- Overhead suitcase squat, 20 reps
- Handstand hold, 30 seconds
- Suitcase get-up, 20 reps
- Bulgarian split squat with chair, 10 reps each side
- Alternating Russian water bottle swing, 20 reps