The best time to eat your most carbohydrate-dense meal is right after an intense workout or a long hard training session. The carbs you eat then are more likely to go straight into your muscle to replenish your glycogen stores rather than being stored on your hips and belly.
Most people think of complex carbs as rice, bread, and potato (usually in the form of fries). But there are many wonderful vegetable-based carbohydrates that have far more nutritional value, such as squash, yams, parsnip, turnip, and sweet potato. These root vegetables are so versatile and easy to cook, and they can be roasted, mashed, steamed, or made into soups.
I am going to share with you my favorite sweet potato mash recipe — which includes a little bacon. The bacon adds to the richness of the flavor and since I only use a small amount, it isn’t too naughty. Pair this sweet potato mash with a chicken or salmon filet and you have a delicious and nutritious meal full of good carbs and proteins from whole, natural sources.

Sweet Potato Bacon Mash
Pair this sweet potato mash with a chicken or salmon filet and you have a delicious and nutritious meal full of good carbs and proteins from whole, natural sources.
- 1 lb sweet potato chopped into large chunks
- 1-2 tsp butter
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 3 slices bacon read the rules for your level to pick bacon that is compliant!
Rinse, peel, and cut potatoes into large chunks. Add to a pot of boiling water or steamer. Cook for at least 15 minutes or until very soft. Drain.
Add 1-2 tsp of butter and salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly or blend with a food processor.
Meanwhile, remove most of the fat and rind from the bacon and finely chop. Add to a pan/skillet and cook on medium heat until browned (4-5 minutes). Drain on a paper town to remove excess fat.
When both the bacon and potatoes are ready, stir the bacon into the sweet potato mash.