Your Lifestyle Practice is to spend at least 10 minutes each day doing something you love.
Every day, you will earn lifestyle points for doing something that is important to you just because it is important to you.
- We recommend choosing something that you don’t always get time to do for yourself that you think is missing
- This activity does not have to have any meaning besides that you love it and you say is important to you for your happiness
There are things I’ve done because I thought they were cool. They appealed to my boredom.
There are things I’ve done because everyone else was doing them. They appealed to my need to fit in and sound good at cocktail parties.
There are things I’ve done so that I’d look good. They appealed to my vanity, arrogance, and need to be interesting.
Then there are things I’ve done so that I’d be better today than I was yesterday. They appealed to my desire to make order out of the chaos of life.
And there are things that I’ve done that I’ve done whether I liked them or not. They appealed to my aspiration to make myself a better human being.
And there are things that I’ve done to make a difference. They appeal to my passion to leave the world a better place then I found it.
And there are things that I’ve done because I loved them.
Those are things that never leave me, even when they’re gone.
They make order out of the chaos of life.
They make me a better human being.
And they make the world a better place.
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs.
Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
– Attributed to Howard Thurman